Thursday 20 November 2008

Box Office figures

We couldn't find any box office figures for the type of film we are trying to make.
But we know that there is gap in the market for our type of genre as we have already mentioned in one of our other posts. We believe the reason why the makers of Kidulthood have decided not to release info & detail about there film because it is an independent production  

We would also like to make the genre popular as it reflects the modern day teenagers, although they are stereotyped for being unruly, bullying thugs.
The reason why there are no Box Office figures for this type of media is because this behaviour is seen as unnaceptable and thus the audience will niether respect or admire the characters. There are some media influences for this type of character actors like Danny Dyer and Vinnie Jones tend to potray the mainstream British thug image that we will be attempting to represent.
Films like Football Factory and This is England show how youth can be lured into violence and racism however they seem to be a less realistic representation of the real England, as many of these acts of aggression end in murder in the real world.

Rob Maclean

Example of Good Opening Sequence

A good opening sequence needs to draw the audience in. It needs to establish the genre quickly and familiarize the audience with what the film is about. Whilst doing research for our film, we looked on youtube to find opening sequences that relate to the type of film that we are making. Unfortunately,we couldn't find many clips of british, teen, gun dramas, so we have found gap in
the market for this type of film.The only film we found that related to our film was Kidulthood. Kidulthood is a good opening sequence because it  stereotypes teens for being loud, obnoxious thugs who bully anyone that they don't like for no reason.

We have also chosen "This is England" because it is a realistic, typical, British film showing the young people of that time period. When I compare it to Kidulthood, it shows how the time period has changed and what teenage dramas are classed as today. It shows the contrast of today’s life with life back in the 70's and as these are both realistic brit films we can contrast between the both also lighting between them both shows the age of the film.

Karl Buckel

Target Audience

Our specific audience is teenagers as we are showing how teenagers use gun crime to try and resolve their problems. Typically gun crime is normally a male type of genre, but by making the main character(the killer) a woman, we are trying to make the clip appeal to a wider audience, including females who may be interested.

Rob MacLean

Monday 17 November 2008

Initial Ideas

We aim to make a opening sequence of a film, we thought of some initial ideas of a gangster, teen gun British drama. We then had a new theme of murder. An opening sequence is the most important moment of a film. They are the first images the audiences see and is the chance to hook them in from the start. An opening sequence should:

  • Introduce and establish characters- usually the main character is shown first
  • Establish time and place- would maybe show shots of where it is set, voice overs can be used to say what the time and place is and where it is set
  • Set up enigmas- keep the audience gripped to their seats, so they don't switch the film off and get bored. They stay and watch the film so all the initial questions they had are answered.
  • Sets up audiences expectations- for plot or media language e.g. if the film is about fighting, the film should have realistic fight scenes to keep to the genre of that film.

We aim to focus on establishing the sub-genre of teenage gun crime and creating audience expectations. We aim to show this in our clip as there is a killing caused by gun crime.

Sarah Fowler