Wednesday 3 December 2008

Preliminary task: video

We knew we had to include all these in our opening sequence,
  • opening door
  • crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character
  • exchange a few lines of dialogue between characters
  • demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule.
We had to stay on the correct side of the line and not cross over it.  We had to edit the clip so it was one continuous sequence. We managed to do that very well apart from one part just as the conversation begins as it is slightly jumpy. Apart from that we thought our sequence went very well as the invisible editing worked as it was supposed to as you couldn't see where the scene stopped or where we edited it.

Our preliminary task is about a conversation on we think who would win the X Factor 2008.

This is our opening sequence.

Sarah Fowler

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