Wednesday 4 February 2009

Group Evaluation

Our film worked well as a whole although there was a few things we thought we could have done to improve it. The music works well with the film as it is a beaty and adds tension to the film. The voiceover we used fits in well with the theme of the film as it adds character. The beginning part of the film is not to our liking because you can see that it is a female when that is meant to be the twist at the end. The next part we like is when the killer meets the dealer, the angles we used were to a good standard and the transition we used was good. The only thing we could of improved here was that we could of added a close up of when the dealer grabs the killers arm. This was because it didn't look right and we wanted to get the bit where the dealer speaks which we wouldn't have got all of the conversation if we had added the close up. the graffiti in the background adds character to this scene and gives it the street feel that we wanted to get. The next seen is where the killer goes on his way to find the persons house. We like the free hand camera as its shaky and it is more edgy and gritty and just gives the film that feel of intenseness. When the killer arrives at the persons house, we have a close up shot of the gate and the killer opening it. It makes it look better as you get the transition of the push open of the gate and the knock of the door.  Our original intention from the next scene when the gun shots were being fired was to film a tree with birds flying out, to get that more shocking feel to what has happened, but we didn't have time to wait around so decided to film a bit of environment around us to show for each gun shot being fired, so we filmed three scenes, one of a tree, one of the church and another one of some trees. The last scene is when the killer runs away from the killing, the ending is good as it shows the killer is actually a woman and as a medium shot, reveals it.
The enigmas created make the film really good as you don't know what is happening at the beginning, who the killer is, why the killer has killed someone, who has been killed. This is just in the opening two minutes of the film, so over a period of time all these enigmas will be found out and others created. 

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